Basket Swooshes Plus

Basket Swooshes Plus

Basket Swooshes Plus puts you right in the heart of intense basketball action. What starts as a simple shooting game quickly transforms into a test of precision, timing, and basketball prowess. Unleash the beast within you! Take domination of the court now!

Varied game modes

  • Limited time: This is like a practice mode. You don’t compete against any other players. The one you have to beat is yourself. This round is dedicated to getting your shot faster and more accurately. 
  • VS Computer: You compete against an AI opponent. The more battles you two face, the more skillful the AI becomes. 
  • 1 VS 1: You will have to beat another player online in this digital playground.


The beauty lies in Basket Swooshes Plus’ pure, competitive spirit. No complex rules or complicated mechanics—just you, the ball, and the basket. You can test your shooting accuracy from different positions, master the perfect arc, and feel the satisfaction of hearing that satisfying swoosh as the ball goes through the net.

The layout on how to become the champion:

  • Use your in-game character to aim and the game will draw out a white line indicating the ball path.
  • Time your shots as accurately as possible to increase accuracy.
  • Utilize the optimal shooting angles from different court positions to shoot and score.
  • Keep track of the score as you race to 11 points.

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